Artist Showcase
Rachel Hansen

Rachel, I'm sure you're excited about taking on the role of Moana in this year's November show, but you have been around for a few years already. How old are you now and where are you going to school.
You're right, I've been around for a while. I'm currently 17 and I'm attending the DC Everest High School.
What was your first show? Can you tell me anything about that first experience?
My first play was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" back in 2017. I was a townsperson. What I remember about it was that it was such a new environment, but that it was pretty amazing. I also remember that there were so many kind kids.
I agree that it is an exciting environment. You've certainly come back to do other shows - how many CWCT shows have you done?
I have been in 8 CWCT shows if you include "Disney Moana JR"(Moana). My first was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" (townsperson). Then it was "Madagascar" (Melmon's Butt), "Mulan PR" (Mother/Ensemble), "Honk JR" (Goose ensemble & farmer), "Willy Wonka JR" (Candy Kid/Ensemble), "Disney Lion King JR" (Lioness/Ensemble) and "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang JR" where I was a Samba & Morris dancer, a Soldier and a Townsperson. Outside of CWCT I was in the ensemble for DCEPA's production of "James and the Giant Peach".
Have you had any favorites? Stories or moments?
My favorite show so far is probably "Madagascar Jr.". I played Melmon's Butt (see photo). Everyone was so kind and it was a really great group of kids.
One part of the show that was fun for me was when at one point in the show there was a dream sequence song and dance. I disconnected from my head (Calista Nikolai) and we had to dance, even going up and down stairs. It was also cool that I got to take my own bow.

That sounds so fun. With so many shows under your belt, was there a point when you decided you were a "theatre kid"? If so, how did you know?
Yes, I remember that I probably have been for a while, but when we were introducing ourselves on the first day of school and everyone had to write down their hobby on the "Get to Know You" sheets, I wrote down that THEATER was my hobby.
I think you know that someone has become a theater kid when they continuously are doing or getting ready to do a show. That and always listening to showtunes and cast albums.
So, with all the shows under your belt, are there any shows or parts that you'd really like to do?
I know it isn't available yet, but If I could do a show I think I would love to do "Hamilton" (good choice). I know it isn't the big role, but I would want to play the role of Maria Reynolds. I love the show and would just love to perform the number "Say No to This". I think the song in a whole is just amazing!
That's really interesting. Hamilton is a very demanding show and that's a tough part. So, you've been a part of CWCT for a while now. If someone asked you "Why CWCT?" what would you tell them?
I would answer with the fact the moment you enter CWCT you will be welcomed by people from all over and you can make friends from all over central Wisconsin. Its just such a great place!
Well said. So, we are coming to a close - can you tell us a theater related joke or maybe a meme?
"I tried to come up with a funny theater joke, but it was just an act"
Very nice. Thank you Rachel for taking the time to answer our questions. We can't wait to see you in "Disney Moana JR".