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Volunteer &
Theater Mom
Amanda Buege


Amanda, how long have you been involved in the performing arts/theatre?

I have always had an appreciation for theatre and have attended many performances over the years; but my personal experience (volunteering) recently began when my son Jackson made cast for “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer JR”.  


So that was your other than as an audience member?

Yes, it all started with Jackson’s audition last fall.  I was a nervous mom with tears in my eyes as I watched my son walk through those audition doors (We all know that feeling).  I was so proud of him for taking a chance on something that was so out of his comfort zone. Little did I know at the time, he would absolutely love CWCT (and theatre) and that I would enjoy spending my time making and painting set pieces. Now here I am, volunteering for my third show. 

That is a great story - So, you start volunteering for CWCT when your son did? Any hesitation?

I don't think so. Both my boys (Jackson and his younger brother Evan) are my life and I want to support whatever passions they continue to pursue. Whether that means painting set pieces and watching Jackson in the wings or cheering on Evan from the soccer sidelines, I am their mom and will always support them. Volunteering is just one of many ways I can do that. 


Do you have any highlights or stories yet from your time volunteering? 

I’ve actually reconnected with friends I haven’t seen in a very long time.  My partner in crime (Mary Sturm) and I have had so many laughs over the course of our time working on set pieces.  We recently had a volcano experience that I still giggle about.  That thing has given us some challenges, but hopefully it will be great and stage ready for Moana Jr. 

I've seen that volcano at the building. You and Mary certainly are the Volcano Moms. So, I think you've already said plenty, but can you tell me what you think makes children's theatre important?

Children’s Theatre is important because it provides opportunities for kids who may not otherwise be involved. It provides a safe and inviting environment that welcomes all kids. Kids feel like they belong and that they can be who they are without judgment. It’s a place where they can meet other kids outside of their school environment, form strong peer relationships and build confidence. 


Amanda and Mary
"Volcano Moms"

Nicely put. Is there anything people should know about CWCT? Why here?

I would want people to know that if they (or their child) is considering theatre, to just give it a try. CWCT is the place where kids can do just that. You don’t have to know a thing about what it takes to be on stage, but at CWCT, the directors will teach you, the vocal coaches will teach you and the choreographers will teach you. You will learn and love so much about it and in the end, you’ll be auditioning for your next show!

Very kind thoughts. Finally, do you have any good theatre joke or meme you could share?

Well I'm not sure that either is considered a GOOD theatre joke, BUT for me as a newbie to the theatre world, tech week was sure something I wasn’t prepared for.  It’s actually one of my favorite parts to the entire process; when you see all of the kids’ hard work pay off and come together. It’s NO joke! :) 


Thank you Amanda. Your story is a great one and reminds us all of how we got started. Can't wait to see the Volcano on Stage!

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